Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

6 april 2012

so excited find new range, new friends, new office, new work
even sometimes I'm still feel all that i do in the office not the real that i want
but we didn't must have that we want
cos we don't know exactly what will happen next
in my  new office
happiness, sadness came
smile, tears came
my passion, my tiredness
mistakes, fault still i do that
i do the best
i hope, all that i do can make my parents proud of me
can make my life brighter than before
 i thank to god, ALLAH SWT for all that i have now
still i can breath, see,hear, feel alhamdulillah

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

ada  titik terang yang insyaallah merupakan awal dari sebuah perjuangan hidup baru
thanx Allah atas nikmatmu yang tak terbatas

kuncinya sabar, berdoa, dan berusaha

Telah pasti datangnya ketetapan Allah, maka janganlah kamu meminta agar disegerakan (datang)nya. Maha Suci Allah dan Maha Tinggi dari apa yang mereka persekutukan.
QS. an-Nahl (16) : 1

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Count On Me--Bruno Mars

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

akhir-akhir lagi ngerasa kesepian.
apalagi udah ga kuliah lagi ngerasa jauh sama temen-temen.
hal yang paling gw syukuri ketika masuk UNJ adalah karena gw punya kalian.
masuk UNJ bukan hal yang membanggakan buat gw, tapi gw sangat bersyukur punya banyak teman..
gw percaya namanya temenan ga ada yang lurus2 aja, kadang ada gesekan masalah tapi sesungguhnya sangat -terus dibutuhkan atau membutuhkan kalian
love you all sahabat kental


ya ampunnn sudah lama sekali rasanya saya tidak mengotori blog ini!
sudahhhh rinduuuu sekali, muach muach muach

sekarang tgl 11 nov 2011
hari ini katanya sii tanggal special bisa dilihat hari ini banyak yang nikah, banyak yang melahirkan, mungkin banyak juga yang jadian atau bahkan putus (biar terkenang terus) hahhahaha
kalau bagi gw si hari ini biasa2 aja sampai detik ini..

udah lama ga nulis mungkin udah lama ga cerita gimana gw akhir2 ini,
yak! akhirnya saya sudah wisuda
finally im graduated from this university!
seneng tapi artinya proses baru dalam hidup gw akan dimulai juga
berarti ini adalah AKHIR dari perjuangan dan AWAL dari perjuangan yang lain
bener klo jaman sekarang banyak yg bilang cari kerja itu susah
yak buktinya gw sampai saat ini blm menemukan jodoh kerjaan yang pas,
panggilan lumayan banyak, karena sesungguhnya gw ga pernah berhenti berusaha, mulai dari apply lamaran online, ikut jobfair, ikut tes2 dimana-mana..huaaahhhh
mungkin blm jodoh, masih harus banyak berdoa sama allah
katanya kan cari kerja itu mirip sama cari jodoh hahhahahha
udah ada jalannya dari atas,,

berat emang!
sometimes, there someone who dont understand ask about my joblesness,
may be they think that im never do anything to get a job,
but i know my parents see, understand that im still do my best to get my dream.

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

3 hal SPESIAL yang tertinggal

ya ampuuunnnnnn
ini blog udah ga keurus lagi bagemana keadaanmu blog?

ampe ketinggalan info pdhl udah banyak bgt yang terjadi belakangan ini
dari mulai gw yang pindah rumah yak sudah hampir 2 minggu lalu tepatnya tanggal 5Juni 2011,,

tanya kemana?
gag jauh kata orang mah cuma dari pondok bambu ke jatiwaringin ajah
bagi gw klo kekampus tetep aja makin jauh ga bisa deh ngaret2 lagi yang ada mah
trus naik metro klo sore rame benerrrrrrrrrrrr
udah perlu ojek pribadi ni sepertinya hiks :(

and akhirnyaaa
harus membiasakan diri lagi

yang kedua udahan seminar hasil tepatnya tanggal 10 juni 2011
yak ini adalah tahap kedua dari penyusunan skripsi yang telah gw jalanin
banyak liku2nya
banyak susahnya juga
tapi alhamdulillah ALLAH begitu baik, aku masi dikasi kekuatan, kemudahan untuk jalanin semuanya
kata orang gw beruntung,,kadang gw juga ngerasda beruntung
tapi keberuntungan adalah suatu kondisi dimana bertemunyakesempatan dengan persiapan
yak PERSIAPAN, dimana gw juga sudah berusaha berjuang untuk melakukan persiapan dengan sebaik2nya sisanya pasrah dan berdoa sama ALLAH

yang ketiga adalah tawaran menjadi tentor tetap di primagama pada tanggal 7 juni 2011,
kesempatan yang diberikan buah dari kesabaran gw menanti selama kurang lebih satu tahun
kelelahan gw, penat gw, kejenuhan gw..dibayar dengan kesempatan yang mungkin belum tentu semua orang bisa mendapatkannya
tringgal bismillah ini mah semoga bisa terlewati dengan baik, semoga ini bisa jadi batu loncatan buat gw maju ke depan lagi
alhamdulillah yaa rab

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

BACK TO DECEMBERr-tailor swift

I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life? Tell me, how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while

You've been good, busier than ever
We small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up, and I know why

Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses, and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time

These days, I haven't been sleeping
Staying up, playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed, and I didn't call

Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side
And realized I loved you in the fall

And then the cold came, the dark days
When fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbye

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry

Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right

I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

This is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time, all the time

waw March feel so fasttt!

march so fast
udah pertengahan aja
dan tetep stuck pada masalah skripsi yang progressnya sangat lama

sampai pertengahan maret ini, gw hanya di sibukkan sama duduk di depan komputer
atau pergi sana-sini nyari referensi
dan ngerasa akhir2 ini agak sial

pertama pas ke ibii nyasar2an ama nina
trus kmren rabu keujanan dan telat dteng prigam

but i know i must face it
face the problem
cos life must go on

blm lagi masalah pindahan rumah yang masih gag jelas
ohh god, please help me to do it, do it better than yesterday